Our MTurk Toolkit takes Amazon’s micro-tasking platform and transforms it into a powerful site for online research. Our tools are built directly on top of MTurk and specifically designed to meet the needs of online researchers. Whether it is ensuring data quality with our CloudResearch-Approved Participants, simplifying the set up and execution of studies, profiling participants based on demographic and psychographic characteristics, or giving you powerful tools that expand the type of studies you can conduct, no one knows how to leverage MTurk like we do. With the MTurk Toolkit our expertise becomes your expertise, resulting in high-quality online research projects.
We’ve profiled hundreds of thousands of participants on MTurk, allowing you to sample based on dozens of complex demographic characteristics. Our and other MTurk data ensures you can target your studies more efficiently.
Our comprehensive data quality measures protect researchers and participants alike. We constantly screen the MTurk population to identify high-quality participants you can selectively target. We ensure worker consistency in demographic responses over time, block workers who use tools to hide their location, run checks to identify VPN usage, and create unique anonymous IDs for respondents.
The MTurk Toolkit is built for ease-of-use. It allows you to set up, monitor, and manage studies on MTurk quickly and efficiently.
Our platform splits your study into smaller batches, cutting MTurk fees in half and helping you collect your data faster.
By accounting for potential quality issues such as low engagement and fraud using our Sentry vetting tool, we ensure you can trust the quality of your results.
The MTurk Toolkit streamlines setting up and managing all kinds of tasks on MTurk. In addition, the toolkit gives you the power to automate several repetitive tasks and the power to manage a variety of projects that are difficult to carry out on MTurk alone.
The MTurk Toolkit allows you to automatically republish studies to continually boost their visibility and it allows you to easily follow up with past participants to let them know a new study is available.
Researchers at Intuit used our MTurk Toolkit to understand the behavior of small business owners in industries, such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, sales and more.
Intuit gained valuable metrics and insights about a niche population with our robust, easy-to-use services.
Get up and running in no time.
Connect a SurveyMonkey, SurveyGizmo or other third-party platform survey.
Choose which demographic or psychographic characteristics your participants must meet.
Watch as high-quality responses come rolling in.