Real Insights or Fraudulent Participants?
Once again, we’ve partnered with the Insights Association to probe deeper into the shocking reality behind online research fraud. This presentation will describe the severe impacts of acquiescence bias and take you inside survey click farms to witness actual footage of fraudulent survey-takers caught in the act. You’ll gain an understanding of the scale and scope of fraud in the insights and market research industry, and learn how to accurately quantify the amount of fraud in your studies.
As part of this presentation, we use the Fraud Detection Tool, an easy to implement method to detect how much survey fraud is found in any project, and offer access to this free tool. We also describe Sentry: our unique pre-survey vetting approach that stops fraud in its tracks. We offer additional resources to use alongside the tools we introduce in this webinar to protect your research.
Download our free Fraud Detection Tool to uncover fraud in your own surveys. This tool detects acquiescence bias. Watch the presentation to learn more about preventing survey fraud.